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Genesis Health Products

Genesis Gold® and Sacred Seven®

Genesis Gold® and Sacred Seven®

Regular price $238.00 USD
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Bags of Sacred Seven
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Genesis Gold® is a highly absorbable powdered blend of wildly harvested, organic, non-GMO, gluten-free herbs, ancient grains, sea vegetation and super green foods that encases a unique amino acid blend that supports your Hypothalamus, balances hormones, brain chemistry, and immunity, enhances digestion and detoxification, and optimizes genetic potential. 

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GHP Logo Keeps Your Hormones in Harmony®, Balances Your Brain Chemistry and Optimizes Your Immune Function

GHP Logo Heals Your Hypothalamus with a special blend of plant based amino acids

GHP Logo Provides whole plant food micronutrients to optimize your digestion and detoxification

GHP Logo Increases your energy by enhancing mitochondrial production

GHP Logo Improves your sleep by normalizing your circadian rhythm


One 12 gram scoop is average dose for 150 pound person. Take more or less according to your weight (about 1/3 scoop per 50 pounds of body weight). Take in the morning on an empty stomach mixed in water, better shaken than stirred.  


Sacred Seven® is the only nutritional formula designed specifically to support the HYPOTHALAMUS. The hypothalamus is the maestro of the symphony of hormones which control your—digestion, detoxification, growth, repair, sleep, sex drive, reproduction, stress response, metabolism, body composition, immunity, healing, cognition, learning and memory.

Sacred Seven® Amino Acid Blend helps:

teardroplogo.png Deepen sleep and normalize circadian rhythm    

teardroplogo.png Normalize temperature control and body metabolism   

teardroplogo.png Optimize brain function   

teardroplogo.png Improve immune function   

teardroplogo.png Balance hormones

Watch this video to learn more about how Sacred Seven® Amino Acid Blend can help your body heal:

Suggested Dose for Sacred Seven®:

 Take 1 teaspoon per day mixed in water on an empty stomach

Okay to mix together with Genesis Gold® 

Sacred Seven Supplement Facts 

* Despite the FDA mandate that the label includes fish byproducts allergen warning because No Wildly Harvested Seaweed can be truly free of microscopic plankton - since 2003 we’ve never had a customer with shellfish allergy react to Genesis Gold®.

* Genesis Health Products provides a subscription service. By subscribing to our service, you have confirmed that you accept our Terms of Service. Your subscription will automatically renew on a recurring basis at which time your credit card will be charged automatically for the subscription products, including applicable shipping and handling fees until you cancel your membership. You may cancel your subscription after three months by contacting us at